More than 540 jobless after NTSA impounds buses belonging to Mombasa Raha

Buses belonging to the Mombasa Raha company PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:More than 540 workers of  the Mombasa Raha bus company  have been left jobless after the company closed their offices in Mombasa,Nairobi,Lamu Garissa and Hola, after NTSA impounded buses belonging to the company.

Speaking to Baraka FM, the company manager Joseph Chengo said they have experienced loss of approximately a  million shillings since the crackdown which he says started  last week  following a number of subsequent  accidents caused by company buses where more than 50 people died.

The accidents occurred three consecutive days on Wednesday at Voi on Thursday  in Athi River and on Friday at Kijibwa in Kilifi county.

The company buses operate countrywide with routes in  Nairobi-Hola, Nairobi-Garisa,Mombasa –Kisumu,Mombasa-Lamu,Nairobi-Kampala,Nairobi- Mombasa.

