Transfer of electoral officers was fair, says IEBC

IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission IEBC has reiterated that transferring their staff to other stations was a normal best practice conducted by the Commission.

Speaking to journalists in Nairobi on Wednesday Chairman Wafula Chebukati said that the criteria used to move staff around the 290 Constituencies had no bias and was transparent.

“Our goal is to make sure that we continue having our electoral staff serving with impartiality and integrity as guarantors of free, fair and credible elections. It is worth noting that our returning officers were recruited from each of the 290 Constituencies and they will serve in any part of the country with high levels of integrity,” Mr. Chebukati said.

He added that the Commission aimed to ensure that all polling stations are well resourced to deliver effectively and efficiently as the country heads to the ballot box on August 8th.

The Commission has gazetted 290 staff to serve as Constituency Returning Officers and 47 County Returning Officers.

On the voter education programme, the exercise commences on 10th May with an objective of sensitizing, educating as well as mobilizing registered voters to verify their registration details by 09-Jun-2017.

“Stakeholder engagement forums will take place at National, County, Constituency and Ward levels. There will be engagement of 2900 voter educators at the ward level and engagement of the media both traditional media of electronic and print as well as on digital platforms,” the Chairman concluded.

