Police officer charged over defiling a minor


Kwale,KENYA:A police officer has been charged at  the Kwale  law for courts for defiling a minor.

It is alleged  that between February and 16th of April 2017 the accused Mr. John Kerich who is stationed at Burani police post in Matuga Kwale County  unlawfully and intentionally defiled a 15 year old  girl.

The accused denied the charges before the resident magistrate Mr. Paul Mutai .

He was released with a 150,000 bond or a cash bail of 80,000 and a surety of similar amount.

The case is set for mentioning on 4th May and hearing on 13th June.

The same court has  sentenced  to Mr. Nyamawi Mwahui to four years imprisonment on charges of livestock contrary theft  to section 278 of the penal code.

The accused is said to have stolen 8 sheep worth sh.40,000 belonging to Beja Mnyika.

It is alleged he committed the action  together with others who were not in court during the sentence.

The accused accepted the charges before resident magistrate Paul Mutai despite that  fact that he could not defend himself.

He has 14 days to take a plea before his sentence commences.

