Reconstruction of amenities destroyed in Lamu 2014 attacks kicksoff

A bank destroyed in the attacks PHOTO COURTESY


Lamu,KENYA:The national government has finally launched the reconstruction of amenities destroyed during Alshabaab terror attacks in Lamu County between 2014 and 2015.

According to Lamu county commissioner Joseph Kanyiri,the reconstruction work that is expected to cost Sh.20 Million  is to be completed in two months time.

Many of the destroyed amenities among them schools,health centers and administrative offices which were burnt by Alshabaab militants when they attacked various parts of Lamu fall within the Linda Boni Operation areas.

Speaking during the official launching ceremony at Pandanguo area on Thursday,the county commissioner said the objective is to restore normalcy among affected communities who have felt a log spell of insecurity caused by the terror attacks two years ago.

A classroom burnt down at the Pandanguo primary school by the militants in July 2014 is among the amenities given top priority in the reconstruction exercise.

Similarly,the Mpeketoni assistant county commissioner’s office and the Basuba dispensary which faced a similar fate are among those being reconstructed in order to allow locals to continue enjoying the respective services.

The exercise will also see to the purchase of seats and mattresses as a replacement for those that were burnt by militants at the Mangai Primary School.

“The government is keen to restore the face of those amenities that were destroyed We expect the work to be over in two months so that the amenities can be ready for use by the respective members of the public,”said Kanyiri.

Kanyiri lauded the Linda Boni Operation officers for helping restore peace and calm to Lamu and urged residents to continue cooperating with the officers to ensure the peace is maintained.

