How to make tasty crispy fried chicken



  • 1kg Chicken thigh
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ tbsp black pepper powder
  • ½ tbsp red chilli powder (opt)
  • Turmeric
  • 1 cup of milk
  • Water
  • Cooking oil
  • Salt


  • In a large bowl, put 3 cups of water then add 1 tbsp of salt and stir.
  • Marinate your chicken in the salt water for an hour.
  • Take a plate then put the 1 cup of all purpose flour, then add ½ tbsp of salt, ½ tbsp of black pepper powder,
  • ½ tbsp of chilli powder and mix well.
  • Take another bowl and put in your 2 eggs, then add some milk, ½ tbsp of salt and ½ tbsp of turmeric then stir.
  • After an hour, remove the marinating chicken thigh from the salt water and put on an empty plate.
  • Take the marinated chicken and roll them on the all purpose flour mixture as you set them aside.
  • Dip the flour layered chicken into the eggs and milk mixture and again back to the flour mixture as you set them aside.
  • On medium heat, heat cooking oil in a frying pan then dip fry the chicken until golden brown.
  • Serve with chips or plain rice.

