Night disco matangas and weddings banned in Likoni


Mombasa, KENYA: Security chiefs in Likoni, Mombasa county have banned night weddings and discos following security threats in the sub-county.

Addressing the  area residents on Thursday, the authorities said the move was arrived at following intelligence reports that the gangs were taking advantage of the night occasions as they could not be easily identified.

This comes as a 50 members gang is reported to have recently  terrorized area residents for almost two hours.

Likoni Deputy County Commissioner Felix Maiyo who chaired the meeting, further warned the parents of the youths who have joined the gang, saying firm action will be taken against them if they fail to report the culprits to the police.

He said criminal gangs were taking advantage of night discos and weddings to commit robberies and other crimes in the area.

“Anyone who will be caught participating in night discos will be punished accordingly,the discos and weddings will only be done from 6 am and end at 6 pm,” said the DCC boss.

He added that the police will increase patrols in the areas marked as hot spots in an attempt to tame insecurity.

15 names of the gang members.

The DCC confirmed that they have received 15 names of the members belonging to wajukuu wa bibi   criminal gang, who are yet to be summoned to appear before the security organs in the area.

He said they will summon them one by one for counseling and profiling.

He urged the residents to embrace the community policing initiative, in order to enhance security in the area.

“Report any crime in the related incidences to police within the area,” he told the residents who had attended the security baraza.

