Mombasa county passes by-law championing rights of the girl child

Girls in Mombasa during a walk for the Girl child to mark International Girl Child Day. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: The county government of Mombasa has passed a by-law aimed at changing the perception of the public on the rights of the girl child.

Speaking to Baraka FM on Monday, Education county executive , Tendai Lewa Mtana, noted that the by-law commonly known as Mombasa Child Care Facilities Act signed in 2016 by Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho, gives a clear directive to the ministry on the basic rights of the girl child.

The county official said the ministry is in its final processes in streamlining the by-law in order to ensure that it comes to full force in the society.

“As a ministry we are in the final touches in streamlining the by law so that it can work efficiently and effectively.” The official said.

He explained that the ministry has partnered with the inspectorate department, the police department and the office of the OCPD to ensure that the rights of the girl child are taken into consideration.

However, Tendai decried the escalating cases of injustices of the girl child in the county and further added that the vice will not be tolerated.

“There is also this challenge we face as a county government: the injustices done to the girl child. My office has been trickling with reliable information indicating the evils done to the girl child.” he lamented.

He noted that the county government has come up with a way of countering the vice by notifying specific areas where they will receive updates concerning those who practice the vice.


