Most wanted drug baron among 12 suspects arrested in Mombasa

The suspected drug barons who were arrested in Mombasa on March 30, 2017. PHOTO: WELDON KEMBOI.

Mombasa, KENYA: Police in Mombasa are holding 12 key suspected drug barons arrested during a major security operation conducted on Friday.

The suspects were arrested in Mombasa and parts of Kwale county in a joint operation carried out Friday morning, led by anti-narcotics police from Mombasa and others flown from Nairobi.

The foreigners are three Italians and a Mauritian.

Police also seized sh. 10 million worth of drugs suspected to be heroine from the suspects, two firearms, 25 rounds of ammunition, 2 vehicles, 11200 euros, 4500 US dollars, sh.952,935 in cash, 36,100 fake dollars and sh. 516,000 fake money.

The suspects were held at Regional police headquarters before they were paraded at 3:20pm, Friday.

Two women were among the suspects nabbed and a notorious drug baron commonly known as Bosire Nyaigoti Makori who operates from Kwale and neighbouring Tanzanian was also arrested.

Coast Regional police commander Philip Thuimur said the suspect, Bosire, recently escaped while in a police vehicle, as he was being ferried to court to face charges.

He said Bosire is the main supplier of heroin and he was found in possession of two pistols. He was arrested with his brother Mwaniki Nyaigoti Makori.

Others are Ruwa Mwarua whom police accused of distributing drugs in the North coast, Maimuna Juma alias Muna Ali, who operates  rental houses in Kwale county; which she uses to store drugs for distribution.

Another suspect in police custody is Fredrick Oriema Kumbo alias Kipara.

According to the police boss, he operates in the North Coast region and neighboring Tanzania, ferrying  drugs through porous roads of Lungalunga area.

Thuimur said a Tanzanian national also identified as Masuo Bakari Tajiri who was picked up at his home in Mwembe tayari area, previously served a jail term of 20 years in Kenya for robbery charges.

He was released in 2015 through presidential pardon.

“Also we have Hawa Abdallah who has an ongoing court case. She has since diversified criminal portfolio and she is a proprietor of salon in Mombasa,” said the police boss.

He said the suspect has been carrying out businesses and  she recently  got a tender at the port of Mombasa, where she supplied 20 guards, who police believe were being used to enable entry of the drugs at the port.

Interpol  radar

Police boss said the three Italian nationals have been on Interpol radar and they are being sought in their country for criminal activities.

The three are Leone Alberto,Mario Mele and Stefano Poli.

He said the process of deporting the nationals was already underway, to enable them face charges in their country.

According to the police, the Mauritian was identified as Roger Alberto Fulvio, who was picked at his home in Likoni and has been masquerading  as a musician.

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Cipionate: instructions for use
Testosterone cypionate is used in combination with other drugs, but is also suitable for solo courses. How to stab the cypionate? The optimal weekly dosage is 250-500 mg. The maximum allowable dose is 1000 mg. Increasing the recommended rate is fraught with the development of strong side effects.

The steroid is well combined with Trenbolone and Nandrolone. If you have a course of these drugs, don’t forget to add Kabergolin to reduce your prolactin levels. Turinabol, Stanozol, etc. are also good options for the course.

It is recommended to use Anastrozol (as an alternative – Exemestan, Letrozol (Femara)). Chorionic gonadotropin should be included in the middle of the course. In this way, you will support the hypothalamus – pituitary gland – testicular axis and make post-course therapy more gentle.

At the end of the course, it is recommended that you take a test and choose the best therapy based on it. Clomifen or Toremifen is used for recovery. It is also recommended to use vitamin-mineral complexes and testosterone boosters, which help maintain the hormonal system.

Testosterone cypionate: side effects
Reviews about testosterone cypionate indicate that it has a number of side effects. In most cases, they are caused by excessive dosages, excessive course duration and an illiterate approach to administration.

These are standard not only for cypionate, but also for any other form of testosterone side effects:

Head baldness and increased body vegetation. To avoid this effect, it is recommended to reduce the dosage or add a drug called Finasteride.
Prostate enlargement. You can fight the phenomenon in the same way as in the previous case.
Acne – acne – a acne, which occurs due to the increase in skin fatness. Here you will be helped by a competent approach to nutrition and skin care.
Water retention, swelling and gynecomastia. Problems associated with increasing estradiol levels. Anastrozol will help you get rid of the problem.
Cipionate or enanthate?
One of the burning questions for many bodybuilders. Both drugs were created almost simultaneously. These esters of male sex hormone appeared due to the fact that many of them complained about too short duration of propionate.

Cipionate and enanthate have the same anabolic and androgenic activity, turn into estrogen, retain water and inhibit the production of their own hormones.

The difference between the cypionate is the presence of an additional carbon atom in the formula. Because of this, the cypionate works longer, and enanthate more effectively releases free testosterone.

If we take into account the feedback of professional athletes, we can conclude that the cypionate retains less water. The main thing is to choose the optimal dosage and frequency of injections, because the drug is quite capricious. We recommend to try enanthate and propionate first, and after that to test the cypass.

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