Wiper leaders urge Kalonzo to speed up party primaries for Mombasa

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka after being handed the clearance certificate paving way for him to contest. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: Wiper leaders in Mombasa have urged party leader Stephen Kalonzo to speed up  primaries for the party arguing that they are losing aspirants to other rival parties.

Addressing the media on Monday, Chairman of Wiper in Changamwe constituency Jackson Mali, said they are concerned about the state of affairs regarding the delayed  party nominations.


“This delay is attracting negative media publicity and portraying the party as having internal wrangles,” Said  Malii.

Malii also mentioned Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar as a fitting candidate to be given the mandate to carry the flag bearer for Mombasa Governor seat.


Recently, their has been disputes in the Wiper party in Mombasa as national treasurer, Nyali MP Hezron Awiti is also interested in the gubernatorial seat that Omar is also eyeing for.

On Saturday, the Wiper Party nominations for Mombasa Governor which were to be held on that day had to be postponed indefinitely; with no clear reasons being given.

The party is yet to communicate the official date for primaries.

Last week,the wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka presented his nominations papers to the National Election Council for wiper party for registration.

This is after the party members selected him to be the flag bearer to vie for the country’s top seat using a Wiper ticket.


