Uhuru Kenyatta named most popular president on Facebook in Africa

Rais Uhuru Kenyatta.

Nairobi, KENYA: President Uhuru Kenyatta has been named the most popular president on Facebook after a research conducted by Burson-Marsteller was released on Monday.

This puts him ahead of Ghana’s new president Nana Akuffo-Addo and Rwanda’s Paul Kagame.

President Kenyatta led the pack by having 2.95 million followers on Facebook, Akufo-Addo 1.34 million, while Kagame cemented into the third
position with 700,000 followers.

Most active world leaders on Facebook are Ethiopia and Botswana respectively.

The government of Ethiopia’s Facebook page is the most prolific page,with an average of 29 posts per day in 2016 with the government of Botswana having 28 posts per day.

Uganda’s presidency is the second most visited institution on Facebook mobile check-in’s and the Presidency in Ivory Coast is the fifth most

More than 34,000 Facebook users have “checked in” at the State House in

The presidential pages of Ivory Coast and South Africa have seen more than 10,000 mobile check-ins each.

The research reveals that 87 Heads of State, 70 Heads of Government and 55 Foreign Ministers have personal pages on the world’s largest social media platform.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the most followed world leader on Facebook with 40 million followers on his personal page, and U.S.

President Donald J. Trump is in second place with 20 million followers.

The study analyzed the activity of 590 Facebook pages of heads of state and government and foreign ministers throughout 2016 using aggregate data from Facebook’s Crowdtangle tool.

