Students get career advice from regional education fair

Exhibitors during the ongoing 4th annual Coast region Education Career Fair in Mombasa. PHOTO: OSCAR NYOHA.

Mombasa, KENYA: Students from different high schools in the region have received free career advice from professionals, in the 4th annual Coast region Education Career Fair taking place in Mombasa.

Students mostly form threes and fours have gotten the golden opportunity which happens once in every year, to meet and integrate with career advisers from different universities both local and international, so that they can make wise career decisions.

Moses Mungai from Express communications the organizers of the exhibition, says more than twenty universities are participating in the exhibition.

Mungai said the event which started on Wednesday is very important for students before they make a decision on the subjects they would like to do with regards to their careers.

“Students get advised on what they want to do after form four, and get advice on the subject they should focus on. We have advisers on medicine courses, journalism, engineers, and so students should come and get this free career advice” said Mungai.

Mr. Mungai however encouraged schools to organize career advisers on a regular basis, in order to avoid students doing courses that they are not interested in life.

Sentiments seconded by Joyce Mzangi from Co-operative University, one of the exhibitors who offered career advise to the students.

Mzangi said schools should invite career advisers and mentors to advice students on the right courses they can do, to avoid students being mislead career wise.

“Schools should have career advisers because most students while leaving high schools they are mislead they don’t know what courses to choose, also the government should help in this”, said Mzanga.

Sabrina Yassin a form four student from Valentine High school, who wants to become a journalist, is among the students who attended the exhibition, and applauded the organizers saying she has got a new lease to accomplish her drams.

“The advisers are really helpful and now I know what to focus on in order to become what I want to become”, said Sabrina.

The event is scheduled to end today(Thursday).

Among the universities participating include Co-operative University, Nairobi University, Skyline University among others.

