I am in NASA to stay! Kalonzo reaffirms amid speculations

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka after being handed the clearance certificate paving way for him to contest. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has reaffirmed that he is not going to ditch NASA  in the upcoming presidential elections.

Speaking after presenting papers for clearance by his party’s national election board to vie for the presidential candidature through Wiper ticket on Thursday, Kalonzo downplayed what he called rumors being peddled in the media that he is yearning to quit NASA.

“You don’t come up with a headline as possible split!that split is in your mind.We are serious as you can see very serious!” Kalonzo said.

Wiper’s national election board gave Kalonzo a clean bill of health for the presidential candidature if will be chosen as NASA’s presidential candidate.

He hinted that the party raised the issue of the 2013 pact signed with Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Party but indicated that every party has a right to raise their concerns in the coalition in the ongoing negotiations, adding that it is a light matter.

“Nothing should cause any strain we are very open,and when you are negotiating you do’nt hide anything.”He said

He insisted that his party will not push the 2013 MOU to NASA following the fact that the technical committee tasked to ascertain the preferred presidential flag bearer is in place.

