Woman chops off husband’s manhood for oversleeping

Angle Mutuku on Monday 20th February appeared at the Mombasa law courts for chopping off husbands manhood.PHOTO: HILLARY MAKOKHA.

Mombasa, KENYA: A woman on Monday pleaded guilty in a Mombasa court for chopping off her husband’s manhood after he over slept.

Angle Mutuku appeared in court for chopping off Stephen Ochieng’s manhood causing him injury on February 16 at Magongo in Mombasa County.

Court heard that Mr. Ochieng was a sleep at around 5:30 AM when his wife accused him for oversleeping.

The accused person is then said to have removed his husband’s inner wear and grabbed his manhood before  cutting it  with a knife.

Ochieng then pushed his wife outside and locked himself in the room.

He later called his brother who took him to  Bomu hospital where he is being treated.

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Mombasa chief magistrate Julius Nang’ea directed prosecution to read the facts to the accused person on February 23 after prosecution requested for more time.

