Poor leadership blamed for slow development rate in Kisauni

People walking past a house in Mishomoroni village in Kisauni. The Sub-county recorded eight new cases on Monday /COURTESY

Mombasa, KENYA: Poor governance in Kisauni sub-county has been blamed for slow development rate witnessed in the area.

Addressing a public rally at Kadzonzo ground on Saturday, politician Ali Menza Mbogo claimed local leaders have failed in fulfilling their pledges to the common man.

Mbogo expressed his concern over the rising cases of insecurity in the area which is famous for the cropping up of the Wakali Kwanza group.

The soft spoken politician urged the youths not to be swept away by the political wave that is sweeping across the country.

“I urge the youth not to be swept away by politicians who look at their own interests” Mbogo said.

He  issued bursary cheques to over 220 students.

On the other hand, another politician Boniface Tunje lamented on the nature of leaders the area has produced in the past.

Tunje added that Junda residents have been dragged by unconcerned leaders who have been looking at their own interests.

