New twist as company director charged in court over TSS fraud saga


Mombasa, KENYA: The director of KAAP Company owned by late Tahir Said alias TSS was on Thursday charged in a Mombasa court for allegedly committing a sh. 9 billion fraud.

James Mwangi Muturi is alleged to have forged a guarantee indemnity which he purported to be a genuine document from TSS, enabling him secure a loan from Kenya commercial bank in February 2011.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Mr. Muturi is also alleged to have stolen documents from TSS Company including valuation reports, company certificate, PIN number and feasibility study booklet property, to enable him secure a sh.9 billion loan.

Meanwhile, Senior Director of Public Prosecution Alexander Muteti has called upon the court to ban Mr. Gikandi Ngibuini from acting as the counsel to the accused.

Mr. Muteti informed court that Gikandi had earlier represented the sons of TSS who are the complainants in another civil suit and he was in possession of information that will directly raise a matter of conflict of interest.

Mombasa Resident magistrate Martin Rabera ordered Mr.Muturi released on a  Sh. 3 million bond with one surety.

Mr. Rabera also ordered prosecution to raise the issue of recusal of the counsel in March 14, 2017 during pre- trial.

Mr. Gikandi is also representing Zein Mohamed Ahmed, Zahirabbas Khaku and Aweys Ahmed Mohamed charged last week in a similar case.

