Sports Tribunal settle for 16 teams league

FKF President Nick Mwendwa and KPL chairman Jack Oguda during a past press briefing. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: The 2017 Kenya Premier League season will kick off on 25th February with 16 teams to feature, according to directives from Sports Disputes Tribunal SDT on Friday.

After meeting representatives from both the federation FKF and league governing body KPL, the John Ohaga lead SDT team, ruled the league should start within two weeks with the four contentious clubs excluded from the fixture.

The decision suggests the four teams; Muhoroni Youth, Sofapaka, Vihiga United and KCB be left out until when FKF and KPL will come to terms regarding the league’s composition.

Muhoroni Youth and Sofapaka were relegated by FKF for failing to meet FIFA and CAF club licensing requirements with Vihiga United and KCB benefiting from the decision to earn promotion to the top tier.

The move however did not go well with league governing body KPL who would then reinstate Muhononi and Sofapaka when releasing the fixtures for the 2017 season earlier this week, prompting FKF to suspend the league kick off indefinitely.

Following the latest development, KPL is now expected to draft another fixture which will include the 12 teams remaining from last season’s league as well as promoted sides Nzoia United, Kariobangi Sharks, Zoo Kericho and Nakumatt FC.

