Police ordered to hunt down notorious drug baron in Likoni

Mombasa county commissioner Evans Achoki during the public baraza held in Likoni. PHOTO: WELDON KEMBOI.

Mombasa, KENYA: Mombasa county commissioner Evans achoki has ordered for the arrest of a notorious drug baron operating in Likoni subcounty.

The county boss issued the arrest after having a security baraza in the sub-county on Wednesday.

The suspect is said to be operating a cocaine and heroine business which is being sold to the youth.

He issued the arrest after residents who had attended the baraza complained of police officers colluding with the drug baron.

Activist Kalinga Mgandi at some point almost striped naked during the baraza; protesting against Likoni top security bosses, saying they were involved in the drug business.

Mr Achoki said they were focusing on the drug barons rather than the peddlers.

“Young youths in Likoni have turned into criminal gangs and we believe there is connection between security and drugs,” said the county boss.

He further said the government was very serious in the war on drugs and promised more action will be taken; he said once the drugs have been eradicated; security will improve in the area.

The county boss said that 2000 youths are reported to be on drugs in the subcounty alone; adding that the the number was alarming.

He said majority are in bad state while the barons are walking scot-free.

“One person is benefiting while hundreds of our youths are dying,” said Mr achoki.

He called upon all stakeholders to work closely with the security team in fighting the drug menace.

He also cautioned his police officers that stern action will be taken against those who will be found colluding with barons.

