5 Mombasa ODM MCAs removed from serving in committees for being “moles”


Mombasa, KENYA: Five Mombasa County Assembly representatives have been relieved from serving their duties in various committees; after allegedly being accused of being “moles”.

According to Dan Onyango Mikindani MCA who is among the affected, the directive from above is said to have been issued by county assembly deputy speaker Rashid Mswabaha Thursday mid-morning,

‘We were also told that their will be no salary for this month yet we have been working day in day out,this is cheap politics and we will not accept,” said Mr Dan.

Others affected by the move is outspoken Kongowea MCA Jabbes Mdhai,Bamburi MCA Riziki Fondo, nominated  MCA Caroline Auma and Mjambere ward MCA Hamisi Mwabashir.

Mr Onyango who has been serving in four committees, said the directive was issued by Mombasa county ODM chairman Mohammed Hatimy, who suspects the five members of being unfaithful to ODM.

He said the move was arrived at without following legal procedures,adding that they were consulting their lawyers for their next steps.

“We were told the move will take place immediately but we will not be intimidated. We are consulting our lawyers for action to be taken,” said Mr Dan.

Mombasa county ODM chaiman Mohammed Hatimy confirmed the interdiction of the five members, saying they were removed on allegations of fraud and being unfaithful to party.

“Majority of those removed are conmen and conwomen they have looted the taxpayers money, for example when they have sitting committees some skip to attend but they will sign to be paid,” said Mr Hatimy.

