Pres. Kenyatta set for Mombasa tour to woo voters


Niarobi,KENYA:President Uhuru Kenyatta is set to tour Coast region to marshall his supporters to register as voters.

According to statement from State House, the president will tour Mombasa after his tour of Mount Kenya region.

He is expected to visit Muranga, Nyeri, Meru, Laikipia and Kirinyaga counties this week.

On Thursday, the President will be in Muranga County.

He is also scheduled to make stop overs in Blue Post and then head to Jogoo Kimakia, Gatunyu, Gatanga Junction, Gacharage, Kangari, Kigumo, Kirere, Muthithi, Kaharati, Maragua and Muranga towns, Kahuhia, Kangema and Kiria-ini.

‘On Friday, the President will be in Nyeri County, and is expected to visit Kiamariga, Kaburuini, Kawarigi, Karatina, Ichamara, Kiandu, Nyeri Town, King’ong’o, Kiganjo and Chaka’, reads the statement.

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On Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, the President will tour Meru, Laikipia and Kirinyaga counties respectively.

He has urged Kenyans to turn out in large numbers to register as voters ahead of the General Election in August.

