Police arrest man suspected to have killed wife in Likoni


Mombasa, KENYA: A man who allegedly killed her wife  almost 2 years ago and stashed her body under a bed in their house, was on Sunday night arrested by police in Likoni.

The suspect Mutua Mwanzia,36 is suspected to have killed her wife Mary Wanjiru Waweru on 13 May 2015 at their house in Ushindi area, Likoni.

According to police, the postmortem results indicated that the deceased was killed and her husband might have played a major role.

Likoni police boss Willy Simba said the the office of the Director of Public Prosecution preferred the suspect to be arrested and charged for murder after he was found to be guilty.

“We had been carrying out our own investigations,we had forwarded the same to the office of DPP and last Friday we received a directive that the suspect be arrested and we have done so,’’ said the police boss.

He said the family had earlier done their private postmortem but the government had to do their own.

Investigating officer Inspector Yusuf Ibrahim said the suspect might have used poison to kill her wife.

During that day,the suspect is said to have woken up earlier than usual and prepared their two children and took them to school,but when he came back he found her wife dead under the bed.

The neighbours found this to be abnormal and unbelievable prompting them to call the police.

The suspect is being held at Likoni police station and will be charged with murder.

