Joho was not arrested,he wanted to release drug baron,says Police

Coast coordinator Nelson Marwa flanked by security personnel. PHOTO:WELDON KEMBOI

Mombasa,KENYA:Mombasa governor Hassan Joho and a section of MPs stormed the police head-quarters in an attempt to release suspected drug baron who had been detained Friday, security bosses said Saturday.

The suspect Aharub Khartum was arrested at his home in Ganjoni in Mombasa Island and whisked to police headquarters where he was locked up.

Police also say they impounded four illegal firearms.

However, the move did not go down well with Governor Joho who together with several Mps, matched to the police station trying to rescue him, police sources revealed.

Coast region coordinator Nelson Marwa denied that Joho was arrested saying he took himself to the police station to secure the release of a wanted suspect who was being grilled at the time.

Marwa claims that Joho was neither arrested nor detained but refused to leave the station without the “drug baron”.

“The governor refused to leave the police station together with others saying he was not going to leave  without suspected drug baron,’’said Mr Marwa.

“What kind of a relationship does the governor Joho have with the suspected drug baron.Why does he mobilise everybody to come and rescue a wanted drug baron arrested with several armories in his house?, asked a furious Marwa.

Mr Marwa claims Joho used social media to spread rumours that he was arrested, with intention to incite his followers.He warned the governor against inciting the public saying the government will not take it lightly.

The regional coordinator questions also alleged that Joho had air tickets in his pockets and was trying to cause chaos before leaving the country.

Militia training.

Concerning the crackdown carried Friday in one of the building in Nyali ,Mr Marwa  refuted claims of county Director Naheed Musa who is also the owner of the store saying it was normal operation.

Mr Marwa said the officers were acting on intelligence reports that there were illegal firearms being sold in the store.

“That was not a normal operation.Tell Kenyans the are a county director of inspectorate and inside the inspectorate we have ex-soldiers employed, and you are running a center of selling firearms! The government knows,” said Mr Marwa.

According to the administrator, a militia are being trained by the ex-soldiers in one of the forest in the county along with others employed by certain politicians at the port of Mombasa to cause mayhem ahead of August General Election .

Naheed Musa, had earlier told journalists outside the ransacked building in nyali that the operation was normal and it is being done after every three months.He said he had been in the business for 30 years.

“Inspection is done every three months and the officers are just taking records of the firearm sold here,”said Mr Naheed.

Mr Marwa said three wanted drug barons have so far  been arrested in Lamu.


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