ODM Mps: We will hold gov’t responsible if anything happens to Joho


Mombasa,KENYA: Opposition Mps  on Saturday protested against the withdrawal of security personnel attached to Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho.

The leaders led by Mvita Mp Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir,William Kamoti(Rabai) Suleiman Dori (Msabweni) Rashid Bedzimba (Kisauni) and Mombasa Women rep Mishi Juma Mboko, said they do not know the reason why  Joho’s security was withdrawn. They want the government to state its reasons.

Abdulswamad said Joho’s security was withdrawn on Friday at about 2:00Am as he left for Ghana to attend president elect Nana Akufo Addo’s inauguration with his party leader Raila Odinga.

He said he spoke to the governor on Saturday morning and he confirmed to him that all his security persons assigned to him were withdrawn.

‘He said officers including his personal bodyguard, officer attached to his residence and security officer in-charge of governors’ office,’ said the Mvita MP.

Mombasa Women Rep Mishi Mboko said the government will be held responsible incase anything happens to Joho.

The leaders also said that Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi’s security was also withdrawn without formal communication.

The Mps have now given the government an ultimatum of two days to reinstate Joho and Kingi’s security failure to which they will issue a statement on the next cause of action.

However, the government has not confirmed if the security assigned to the two Governors was withdrawn.

