Widows urged to make use of affirmative funds

A group of women during Uwezo campaign sensitization in Mombasa. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: The Ministry of Public Service Youth and Gender Affairs  on Thursday held a forum to sensitize widows on making use of the affirmative funds.

Speaking at a community engagement at the Wesley Methodist church in Tononoka, Public Service Youth and Gender Affairs Mwanamaka Mabruki urged the widows to form groups and develop themselves and their communities by making use of the Uwezo funds.

“I urge you all to register your elderly people above 70 years so that they can benefit from the elderly fund which also takes care of their hospital needs.” Mwanamaka Mabruki.

The Principal Secretary praised the Jubilee government for their good governance in ensuring there is free maternity services and development of dual carriage in Changamwe.

One of the widows, Mama Zainab Hassan thanked the governmentor focusing on the interiors of Mombasa and urged the government to consider lowering the age of which one is entitled to get the elderly funds.

Another lady widowed at the age of 20 emphasized on matters of getting title deeds.

Mwanamaka also urged the women to keep watch of their children and prevent them from engaging in demonstrations that do not benefit them in any way and might be dangerous.

The PS promised to have other community engagements so as to encourage and develop the widows and their communities.

