Lamu politician Rishad Amana summoned by police over incitement

Lamu politician Rishad Amana. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Lamu, KENYA: Lamu County politician Rishad Amana of the ODM party has been summoned to record statement at the office of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations-DCI in Lamu over incitement allegations.

Amana who has declared his interest to vie for the Lamu West Constituency MP seat in the forthcoming general election is alleged to have issued an inciting speech during an ODM rally in Lamu.

The rally was led by ODM party leader and Mombasa governor Hassan Joho and other coast ODM leaders among them Kilifi governor Amason Kingi,Taita taveta governor John Mruttu and several coastal MPs from the party at Mkunguni Square in Lamu Island on March 18, 2017.

A letter addressed to the politician from the Assistant Superintendent of police who is attached to the DCI in Lamu west William Ndirangu,stated that the office had enough reasons to believe that Amana had reliable information that would assist them complete investigations in a case of incitement contrary to section 13(f) and (1) of the elections offences act,2016.

“.….Pursuant to section 52(l) of the National Police Service Act, I do hereby require you Rishad Amana to personally appear before the DCI Lamu West for statement recording relating to an inciting speech you allegedly made at Mkunguni Square of Lamu Island on the 18th day of March, 2017 which is subject of this investigation…..”stated part of the letter seen by Baraka FM.

Amana becomes the third politician in Lamu county to be summoned for incitement after the 2016 incident where Mombasa court issued an arrest warrant for two Lamu MCAs,Bahari ward MCA Anthony Njomo and nominated MCA Monica Njambi after they failed to honor similar summons over incitement allegations.

READ ALSO: Lamu West MP hopeful accuses police of denying Joho’s Mpeketoni rally security

