Police to limit night time movements of motorbikes in Mombasa


MOMBASA: Police in Mombasa have limited bodaboda movements at night.

According to Mombasa County Commissioner Mohammed Noor, the move is to curb cases of insecurity caused by criminals operating on bodabodas.

“We had recent cases of people being robbed and attacked by people on motorbikes, so we are limiting the movement of motorcycles. The operation on bodaboda criminals is ongoing, if we find you operating a bodaboda at night we have to stop you and ascertain whether you are a real bodaboda operator or a criminal,” said Commissioner Noor.

“The number of cases has reduced since we started the operation but we will not stop until we find the criminals,” he added.

Security agencies are also working with bodaboda operator officials to weed out impostors and criminals hiding in the sector.

“The bodaboda sector is very important for the government’s Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda, so we have to nab all those criminals hiding there and making the public lose trust in the sector. Bodaboda officials are also helping us. They have their own regulations and inform us of any suspicious people or activities in their routes,” said the County Commissioner.

War on drugs and alcohol abuse

Police have closed 167 bars following the ongoing fight against alcohol and drug abuse.

“We also recovered 160 sachets of cocaine and have closed 21 chemists, some had no licenses and others were doing over-the-counter sales of drugs that need a prescription,” said CC Noor.

