Kenyan families using 10 times their household income on education

Parents buying school uniforms. Survey findings show that Kenyans are spending ten times their monthly income on their children's education with the highest amount being spent on school uniform./COURTESY

Kenyan families are spending more than ten times their total household income on their children’s education.

According to a back-to-school survey by WorldRemit, Kenyan households spend more than 10 times their monthly income on school supplies.

Findings for Kenya show the total cost per child is sh.68,701.

“Given the average household size in Kenya of 3.23, the total cost per household is estimated at Ksh 221,904.23. This is higher than average incomes for most households in the country, with the survey showing the cost of education for most households is 1054.31% or approximately 10 times their average monthly household income,” read the survey findings.

The survey meant to understand how the cost of school supplies impacts families around the world shows that most of the amount is spent on uniforms/school wear with the least being spent on extras like school bags, water bottles, and school lunch/snack boxes.

Another area Kenyans are spending money is on stationery and P.E. & gym kit.

Meanwhile, the amount Kenyans are spending on their children’s education is more than triple the amount neighbors Tanzania are using.

“Across countries where people have higher monthly incomes, Canada, the UK, and Australia saw nominal decreases in the percentage of income they can expect to allocate, while France and Spain saw notable increases,” the survey findings show.

More on the survey and findings can be found at

