KICD to track CBC textbooks issued to schools

A grade 2 encyclopedia based on the new curriculum. KICD will be tracking textbooks given to schools to ensure none is lost and all reach right destination./COURTESY

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) will be tracking will be tracking textbooks issued to schools for the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in a move to ensure that books end up in the right school and none is lost.

According to KICD Acting Chief Executive Officer Dr Joel Mabonga, the tracking will also ensure that schools do not get more books than the number of learners.

“The feedback we receive is helping us put in place proper safeguards to ensure the government distribution of course curriculum support materials, remains above board,” said the KICD Ag CEO.

Dr. Mabonga said the tracking will involve getting real time updates on the location of the curriculum support materials to ensure they are transported to the right schools, as per the distribution schedule.

“Despite the gloomy picture painted by the pandemic, we have to remain ahead in the ongoing curriculum reforms. Besides upholding the quality of the educational content, the books must be in schools on time to guarantee effective curriculum delivery,” Dr Mabonga said.

The implementation of the new curriculum, which is being implemented in phases, is currently at grade four and will soon move a step further as grade five textbooks have been evaluated and are ready for printing after publishers made corrections.

