Sonko launches biometric system for City Hall, puts on notice lazy County staff

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko when he registered for the county biometric at city hall on May 22nd 2019. Sonko issued a stern warning to lazy county employees, saying he will not hesitate to dismiss them./GPS

Nairobi, KENYA: Nairobi County Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has issued a stern warning to lazy county employees saying that he will not hesitate to dismiss them.

Sonko was speaking on Wednesday at City Hall when he officially launched the biometric staff management system that will ensure it records the time employees report and leave work and the amount of time spent at work.

Sonko said a section of Nairobi City County employees have become corrupt by giving minimum time at work, and instead spend office hours doing private business.

The biometric system will help flag employees that fail to show up, or spend very few hours at work, and the Human Resources Department will take appropriate action.

“Anyone found to be absenting themselves from work without good reason will face disciplinary action, including dismissal. I will have no mercy on staff who steal the County Government’s time. Kanjo mentality must come to an end,” he said.

The system also comes with name tags that will be mandatory for all staff to wear.

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko when he registered for the county biometric at city hall on May 22nd 2019. Sonko issued a stern warning to lazy county employees, saying he will not hesitate to dismiss them./GPS

“Security officers must know who staff, visitors and clients are. City Hall and City Hall Annex are not places for idlers and brokers, but genuine clients seeking services. In the age of security threats and terrorism, identification badges are mandatory,” Sonko said.

The biometric system and badges must be rolled out to all sub-counties as well, he ordered.

Sonko also directed the Public Service Management Sector to initiate a scheme to reward those who meet their targets and serve Nairobians well.

He said staff appraisal must be taken seriously to weed out those who do not deliver.
“Let us all re-dedicate ourselves to build Nairobi to be the city of choice to invest, work and live in,” the Governor said.

The event was attended by County Executive Committee Members, acting County Secretary Pauline Kahiga, Deputy County Secretary and Public Service Management Chief Officer Morintat Leboo, Chief Officers among other top county officials.

Speaking at the event, Leboo added that with the new system, the Human Resource department will be able to keep track of all the staff, attend to their request on the employee self-service module and also assist in leave management.

“With the new biometric system the general public will be able to verify genuine county staff before engaging in any transaction by sending an SMS containing the Employee Number to a short code provided. This will aid us in minimizing cases of staff imposters and fraud,” he stated.

