Mystery clouds 8th Gikomba market fire

Gikomba market on fire. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi,KENYA:  Mystery is still clouding a fire that gutted down the largest Mitumba market in Kenya on Wednesday night leaving traders and residents devastated.

This being the 8th occurrence since 2014, the cause of the fire still remains a mystery as the case with previous cases and experts are probing the possible cause of the fire.

According to residents, the cause of the fire could be an electrical fault or a stove that was not put out.

Property of unknown value was razed down by the fire as residents tried to contain the fire by all means following delays from the fire department.

The first fire incidence in Gikomba was in March 2014 with the raging fire destroying property worth millions at the near Shauri Moyo lower bridge. Just before the end of the same year, in October, there was another fire outbreak which led to the loss of valuable properties but some of the traders were able to rescue their goods.

In January and June 2015, another raging fire incident razed down properties of value with timbered stalls burning to ashes.

This left traders devastated as some narrated how they had outstanding loans that they applied to rebuild their businesses with again going to the drain.

Traders plus residents got a rest from the inferno in 2016 and all was forgotten until another incident brought all the memories again in October and November 2017 when fire gutted down part of the market again burning down second-hand clothes and shoes to ashes.

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko had in June last year promised to find a lasting solution to the unending epidemic after 15 people died and 70 others were injured in yet another fire.

This was followed by another fire incidence in September 2018 however, no casualties were involved.

