Activists threaten to turn Mvurya’s office into a toilet

The Activists who have threaten to defecate inside Mvurya's Office PHOTO COURTESY

Kwale, KENYA: Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya might soon be forced to relocate from his office if environmental activists carry on with their threat of defecating inside his office.

 The team spearheading a  tunye wapi campaign (where should we relieve ourselves?) threatened to relieve themselves inside Mvurya’s office to decry lack of toilets.

Led by Mahamood Baro, the activists say Mvurya’s government has failed to construct public toilets at Diani beach.

“We are planning any moment from now to go to his office and defecate there until he takes this issue seriously”, he retorted.

He said residents are forced to relieve themselves in the open which is a health hazard and an embarrassment to the county.

“We gave the county government enough notice to construct public toilets in Diani but that has not happened”, he said.

Diani and Ukunda face acute shortage of public toilets despite them being a tourist destination.

Residents defecate in the open or in the ocean.

