Monica Kimani murder: Officials threaten as Maribe seeks to fight charge

The deceased Monica Kimani and the suspect Joseph Irungu alias Jowie PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:A fresh twist has emerged in the Monica Kimani murder that is currently under investigations.

This is after a former South Sudanese warlord Daniel Awet who was linked to the deceased, distanced himself from Monica Kimani threatening to take legal action against those who were claiming that he had a romantic affair with Monica.

The general has further raised a complaint with the Kenyan embassy in Juba with several members of the South Sudanese parliament terming the link as an ‘insult to an elder.’

A section of Kenyan media houses had earlier linked the general who happens to be the deputy speaker of the South Sudanese national assembly to Kimani’s family reporting that through his influence, the fortunes of the family had changed overnight.

Monica’s father Bishop Paul Ngarama who had however denied any romantic links between the general and his daughter, however, admitted the Awet was well known to the family.

The reports further indicated that the general owned properties in Nairobi which the deceased was managing.

However, the official who says that he doesn’t own any property in Nairobi denied ever knowing Monica and her family argued that some elements were trying to drive a certain agenda in the murder.

“We are wondering what is the relevance of saying the governor had a relationship with Monica. Are they trying to imply that the general had a hand in the murder?” His spokesperson Deng Adoch told the Standard newspaper from Juba.

Meanwhile, the Directorate of criminal investigations is seeking to have celebrity TV anchor Jacque Maribe who is being detained together with his fiancé Joseph Irungu alias Jowie charged with murder.

Maribe and Irungu were arrested last week after it emerged that Irungu was the person last seen leaving the house of the deceased and a used 9mm bullet recovered from a house they were living.

According to the director of criminal investigations, George Kinoti, investigations had revealed that Ms. Maribe was strongly linked to the murder.

However, Kinoti’s sentiments have been disputed by Maribe’s legal team lead by lawyer Katwa Kigen who are seeking to have the anchor released on grounds that she was no longer a person of interest in the case and that detectives had failed to link her to the murder.

This comes just a  few days after it was reported that Maribe was considering becoming a state witness in the case.

Maribe’s fiancé Joseph Irungu alias Jowie is set to appear before the Kiambu law courts on Tuesday after the prosecution was granted a 10-day detention order last week while Maribe is set to appear before the same court on Thursday next week.

