Tana River County and MCAs at loggerhead over budget

Tana river county assembly in a past session PHOTO COURTESY

Tana River, KENYA: Residents of Tana River County want the two wings of the county government to put their differences aside and pass the budget.

The residents claim there has been a looming cold war in the two wings of the Tana River County government following a delay in the passing of this year’s budget.

At a function in Hola, Head of the Orma community, Mohamed Shobe, said that the county assembly and and the governor’s office to stop wasting time while residents continue to suffer due to bad economy.

“You were elected by residents. Nobody was employed by government; residents were the ones who brought you here to serve them,” Shobe said.

Shobe  urged the two wings of government to solve their egos and finalize remaining stages of the budget, for the public to settle.


However, the claims of fights between the two arms were refuted by the assembly  led by their speaker Michael Justin Nkaduda.

Sammy Malibe,  county assembly’s committee chairman for budget, confirmed that all budget processes would be ready by next week and that the residents should expect something positive.

He said that the delay was due to some procedures by both side, saying they were in final touches.

“The thing is, the budget is passed but the governor did not sign Appropriation bill which is his right because the law says this. The governor brought his Memorandum and we are working on it,” Malibe said.

