Kimilili MP refuses to apologize over sugar report bribery claims

Kimilili MP Didsmus Barasa,The legislator ghas refused to apologize over sugar bribery claims PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Kimilili member of Parliament Disdmas Barasa has vowed that he will not apologize over allegations he made against Wajir women rep Fatuma Gedi that she was bribing members of parliament to shoot down the sugar report.

In a media briefing at parliamentary buildings, Barasa indicated that he will not apologize to Gedi insisting that she was mobilizing MPs to shoot down the report by compromising them, allegations which Gedi vehemently denied.

“This scheme was led by non-other than the Wajir women rep Fatuma Gedi. If there is somebody who is required to apologize then is her, she should apologize for letting down women of this country.”

He accused the legislators’ attempt to compromise him insisting that there is evidence on the same and saying such a move was to avert a scenario of holding responsible Cabinet secretaries Adan Mohammed, Willy Bett and Henry Rotich for allegedly creating a window of importation of contraband sugar into the country.

The legislator pointed out that he is ready to appear before the powers and privileges committee and other relevant investigative agencies to shed more light on the matter.

He insisted that there is a need for the report to be reintroduced in parliament and fine tune it to avert fears among Kenyans on allegations that the commodity entails mercury and copper components.

