Kilifi County Assembly rejects nomination of Alio Ibrahim as Public Health Chief Officer


Kilifi, KENYA: The Kilifi County Assembly on Wednesday rejected the nomination of Alio Ibrahim Aden as the Chief Officer of Public Health department.

Alio was among other ten nominees for chief officers for different departments who’s vetting reports were adopted.

Majority of the Members of the County Assembly sited their reasons as being focused more on his integrity, competence and academic issues.

Stanley Kenga, Adu Member of County Assembly and deputy speaker said his academic credentials lacked certification from the relevant authorities.

He said the nominee might have lied to the house and the general public of his academic qualifications.

“I first and foremost stand to oppose the nomination of Alio Ibrahim Aden, I am not opposing on grounds of religion and ethnicity, and I want it to be known that I was in the Labor Committee that vetted Aden Mohamed in the first County Assembly. I oppose because, first some of his academic certificates were missing and after they were brought, we found them not to be certified, how certain are we that they are genuine?” Posed Kenga.

He said Alio had already shown signs that he could not be trusted.

“If we have already seen this from the beginning how sure are we that we will not see much of this while at work should we give him this job? Mr. Speaker, I urge my fellow members to oppose his nomination,” he added.

Hamphrey Mwarandu, a nominated MCA raised concerns over the nominee’s academic status saying he might have not gone to primary and Secondary schools as his certificates were missing.

He expressed fears of Alio’s degree saying he could not ascertain it without the primary and secondary certificates.

“We cannot ascertain his tertiary education because we are not sure he went to school in the first place, because we cannot see his primary and secondary certificates in his credentials,therefore Mr. Speaker I stand here to oppose his nomination,” Mwarandu said.

The assembly generally agreed that Alio could not convince the house to believe he would serve well the people they represent.

They referred to the recent protests against him and questioned his public relations as he would be holding the department of public health with the people being against him.

However, later on after the rejection of the health Committee report on him, Kilifi County Governor made an announcement through the assembly speaker Jimmy Kahindi that he wanted to meet all the MCAs at Mnarani Club on Friday.

“Honorable members, I have one I have one communication to make, I have received communication from the office of the County Secretary that the governor has requested for a meeting on Friday and I hope the entire house will be available as the meeting is meant to discuss issues of the county,” Kahindi said.

However, it is yet to be established what the emergency meeting is all about.

