Security beefed up in Kilifi as Christmas approaches

Police Patroling Likoni area . A victim who was hacked by suspected criminal groups who clashed in the area on Saturday has been confirmed to be a Rwandese national PHOTO COURTESY

Kilifi, KENYA: Police in Kilifi County have assured the public of tight security during the festive season.

The security department in the County said during a press briefing on Sunday that a multi-agency security team has been deployed to carry out patrols all over the county and especially in the major towns of the County.

The team is said to include security officers from the Kenya police, Kenya Prisons, Administration police, Kenya wildlife services, Kenya forest service and Anti-riot police units.

County police Commander Ben Kogo said the public has no need to worry but warned against over celebrations that would turn chaotic.

“We are well equipped to ensure security is in place in the entire County,” Kogo said.

“We have our multi-agency team that will be carrying out patrols all over the County but especially in the major towns of Kilifi, Malindi, Mtwapa, and Watamu so there is no need to worry,” he added.

He said the security team will also ensure the security of Bodaboda operators is beefed up.

Of late there have been incidences of killings of bodaboda operators in the outskirts of the Kilifi and city centers of Kilifi.

At least three incidences have been reported where bodaboda operators have been stabbed to death by unknown people in Kilifi water grounds, Mabirikani and Diamond areas.

“We will also deal with security breakers amicably because no one is entitled to rob or kill anyone, my warning to all those doing such incidences is that the security team will not leave any stone unturned,” he added.

The public has also been urged by the security department to avoid driving while drunk to reduce the rising cases of road accidents.

