I prefer Uhuru for a boyfriend than Raila! Says Ruiru MP

Ruiru Constituency MP Esther Nyambura Gathogo (Second from right with yellow shoes) in Lamu campaigning. PHOTO:" NATASHA NEMA.

Lamu, KENYA: Ruiru Constituency MP Esther Nyambura Gathogo shocked Lamu residents when she publicly declared that she would rather have President Uhuru Kenyatta for a boyfriend than opposition leader Raila Odinga.

Gathogo went ahead to give what she said were reasons for the preferences which many of the congregants found too overstretched.

The MP was addressing Lamu residents in Lamu town on Tuesday, Gathogo who was accompanied by more than seven other Jubilee MPs who were campaigning for the president in Lamu said it was frustrating and annoying that Odinga is always opposed to everything.

She said Odinga doesn’t fit her class of boyfriends because he has a tendency to keep refusing everything and giving flimsy excuses for that.

Gathogo went ahead to state that having Odinga for a boyfriend was like growing a tree in a desert since it will never get a drop of water and will thus die from too much heat and unfavorable environment.

He said Raila as a lover wouldn’t be able to satisfy her urge as a woman and as such she preferred Kenyatta whom she referred to as cool and focused.

“There is someone who has proved more than once that he doesn’t care about development and that person is Raila Odinga.I call him Mr.I don’t want.I personally wouldn’t have him as a boyfriend since he has characters to suggest that in such a situation he cant satisfy me as a woman.Fellow women, stay away from him,” said Gathogo.

Gathogo, however, lauded the president and said given the chance, she would jump at the opportunity to have him as a boyfriend since he has proved that he cares about Kenya.

She said Kenyatta had proven his goodwill to the people of the republic and he has been an all-inclusive leadership.

Gathogo has urged women to give birth to as many children as they can since the Jubilee government had provided free maternal health services.

She called on the people of Lamu to turn up in their numbers on October 26 and vote for president Uhuru Kenyatta.

“We have seen the selflessness with which the president has served this country.Who wouldn’t want such a sharp man for a boyfriend?Women can give birth to as many children as they want after all the maternal care is free in all public hospitals all thanks to Jubilee.The old people have been getting Sh.2000 a month to take care of themselves.If we want more of this, please get out on October 26 and vote for Uhuru Kenyatta,” said Gathogo.

The MP was also accompanied Lamu West MP Stanley Muthama, Subukia MP Nelson Ributhi, Maragua MP Peter Kamande, Omingo Magara amongst others.

