Police lob teargas at demonstrators in Nairobi’s Uhuru Park

Police lobe teargas in nairobi's Uhuru park to disperse NASA demonstrators. PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER NYAMUTA.

Nairobi, KENYA: Police on Friday morning lobed teargas to disperse demonstrators who were gearing up to enter Nairobi’s Uhuru Park in bid to enhance their demonstrations towards Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission offices at Anniversary towers.

Trouble started when a couple of demonstrators wanted to access the park prompting police officers to lob teargas to disperse them.

The pandemonium affected other people who were not part of the demos along Kenyatta avenue Uhuru Highway and some parts of city park .

The demonstrators were dispersed and headed to the integrity center and community where they scampered for safety .

Police blocked Uhuru park feeder roads, so as to bar demonstrators from accessing the park which has been a converging joint for protesting towards the IEBC headquarters.

The demonstrators defied Interior Cabinet Secretary ,Dr Fred Matiangi’s ban of demonstrations rocking the three Kenyan cities including Nairobi ,Mombasa and Kisumu.

On Thursday, some leaders and Members of Parliament allied to NASA coalition blasted the Matiangi’s action terming it retrogressive.

On the other hand ,Jubilee allied mps led by Kamukunji legislator Yusuf Hassan applauded Matiangi’s move saying it will reduce destruction of properties that has been core during the NASA’S demonstrations.

READ ALSO: Anti-IEBC protesters dispersed in Mombasa

