Nurses in Mombasa hold peaceful demonstrations

Nurses hold demonstrations in Mombasa. Nurses managers in Tana River have defied the order to strike FILE/PHOTO.

Mombasa, KENYA: The Nurses union in Mombasa today held  peaceful demonstration matching to the governor’s office demanding to be heard.

Led by the acting chair Joseph Ngwasi, they have said that their pleas have been ignored for as long as the strike has lasted.

They asked for their allowances as negotiated in the agreement to be implemented which include, a uniform allowance of sh. 50,000 and a risk allowance.

“Health Cabinet Secretary should know that nurses in this country are exposed to greater risk than any other health workers according to a research done at Kenyatta hospital.” Said mr. Nwasi.

He also said that Politics has been given center stage in this country while nurses have been degraded and the health sector has not been taken seriously thus risking the lives of Kenyans.

They concluded by saying that all nurses are on strike countrywide, and it is the interns working in the counties that claim that nurses are back to work and that they are not qualified to serve Kenyans.

