Malawian national found taking photos of SGR charged with terrorism

The Malawian national Kristen Prince Kishombe  at the Mombasa Law courts PHOTO HILLARY MAKOKHA

Mombasa,KENYA:A Malawian national was on Wednesday charged in a Mombasa court for allegedly collecting information to aid terrorist activities contrary to prevention of terrorism act.

The court heard that on the 28th of  August Kristen Prince Kishombe  was found collecting information by drawing a sketch plan of the Mombasa Standard Gauuge railway terminus for  use in the commission of  terrorist activities.

Mr Kishombe was also charged for allegedly refusing to leave an SGR terminus  part not intended for use by passengers contrary to the railways and corporation act.

The accused person is said to have alighted at terminus and refused to leave without a reason  which is a contravention of the said act.

He denied all the charges and informed  the court he was only taking photographs at the terminus after being  authorized by  police officers manning the terminus.

“Your honour I even don’t know the terrorist group am being linked to, Am a foot ball palyer and I was cleared to be in the country,” he said.

He further told the court that he was a designer and he took a sketch of the terminus to use for reference.

The prosecution filed an affidavit in court opposing accused person  to be released on bond.

According to the police, the suspect was arrested on Tuesday and investigations were still ongoing.

The police said they intend to substitute the charges against the accused person once the investigations are completed.

Chief magistrate Julius Nang’ea ordered the accused person to be detained at port police station for seven days to enable police to complete investigations.

The case will be mentioned on 7th September.

