Likoni police boss Willy Simba transferred


Mombasa, KENYA: Likoni police chief Willy Simba is among the top officers transferred to different regions in the country in the latest reshuffle announced by the police headquarters.

Mr Simba has been moved to Thika and his position will be taken by former Msambweni police boss Charles Rotich.

Mr Simba has been the Likoni police boss for the last three years. He reported to office on 15th august 2014.

“Its a normal transfer and we have to abide by it as we have to work for the citizens,” said Mr. Simba.

He has been grappling with criminal gangs of wakalikwanza,watalia,wajuku wa bibi and wakaliwao who have rocked havoc in the sub county.

According to the police headquarters, the reshuffle is a reorganization of the service in readiness for the coming elections.

Likoni is among the hot spots mapped in the country.

Likoni has seen two security bosses moved recently and the new DCC Erick Mulevu has just recently reported to office.

Also moved, is the Coast Region police boss Philip Tuimur who has been transferred to North Eastern.

The new coast region police boss is Larry Kieng.

