Emmanuel Macron elected as France’s new president at 39

French Presidential elect 39 year old Emmanuel Macron PHOTO COURTESY

Paris, FRANCE: France voted 39-year-old independent centrist Emmanuel Macron as the new president in the second round of polls held on Sunday.

Macron a former Rotschild investment banker defeated the National Front far right candidate Marine Le Pen after garnering 66% of the votes against Le pen’s 34%.

French media outlets reported that the voter turnout was the lowest experienced since 1981 which stood at 65.30% by 1500GMT.

Macron of the En Marche had defeated Le Pen in the first round of voting that was held on 24th April after garnering 23.7% against Le Pen’s 21.5%.

Earlier on, opinion polls had predicted Macron who had been endorsed by several leaders including the outgoing president Francois Hollande,German chancellor Angela Merkel and former US president Barrack Obama would win with a margin of between 61 and 63%.

Macron’s victory serves as relief to the European Union as his policies favoured free trade and a stronger European union.

Several world leaders including US president Donald Trump congratulated the newly elected Macron.

Macron is married to his former high school teacher 64-year-old Brigitte Macron and is set to take over the Élysée Palace as the youngest head of state since Napoleon.

