Lamu governor Issa Timamy appoints new tourism executive

Lamu governor Issa Timamy (with head gear) during 2016's Lamu Art festival. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Lamu,KENYA:Ms Farida Hassan has been appointed by Lamu governor Issa Timamy as the county’s new Executive Committee Member for Tourism, Culture, Trade and Natural Resources.

Farida’s appointment is meant to fill a vacancy left by then CEC Samia Omar following her resignation in 2016.

Samia resigned after voicing her opposition to the controversial sh 200 billion coal plant which is expected to be established in Kwasasi village in Hindi Lamu West.

She had then indicated that was uncomfortable working with government that was interested in a project that would cause harm to the people of Lamu and the environment and that as such  she had been forced to tender her resignation.

Farida is a former supervisor at the World Bank’s Kenya Coast Development Program-KCDP.

Lamu County Assembly Speaker Mohamed Hashim said the assembly had already received an official  communication from Governor Issa Timamy on the same.

“I have already relayed a message to the County Assembly over the appointment of  Farida by Mr Timamy. We have discussed and a committee has been selected to conduct confirmation hearings by April 27. The hearings shall be open to the public unless the committee decides to hold any part of the hearings in camera. We expect the committee to table its report before the house on or before May 2 this year for Assembly’s consideration,” said Hashim.

For the past eight months,the Tourism docket has temporarily been held by Education, Gender, Youth and Sports Executive Khamis Kaviha in acting capacity.

