Two suspected highway robbers arrested in Mombasa

Vehicles along Mombasa- Nairobi highway. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: Police in Mombasa have arrested two men suspected to have been involved in highway robberies along Mombasa-Nairobi highway.

Police also seized 500 bags of sugar worth sh 2 million.

The accused are alleged to have hijacked a lorry ferrying  sugar between Mazeras and Mariakani, after drugging the driver and turn boy of the lorry.

Coast region DCI boss Pius Macharia told reporters at police headquarters in Mombasa on Friday that the suspects later took the sugar to Kiembeni estate in Mombasa,where they were arrested repackaging.

He said the turn boy and the driver regained conscious later on, but could only remember how a woman whom they had offered a lift gave them some juice, before everything went blank.

The DCI boss said police have gathered some crucial information which could lead to the are arrest of other suspects.

The arrest comes some days after police recovered pharmaceutical stolen and hidden in one of the stores in Mariakani.

A broad-spectrum steroid. It was created in the middle of the last century under the name Winstrol. It was used for veterinary purposes. It was used to increase the speed of horses during races. After the permission of the FDA, it was included in the list of steroids. Doctors began to use the steroid in the postoperative period and for tissue regeneration after burns.
By the end of the 60’s, athletes had appreciated the positive properties of the product and began to use the steroid everywhere to achieve their sporting goals. The preparation was officially banned for use in sports practice. But athletes continue to use the stanozolol, masking it with special agents. Over the years, the number of athletes caught doping control with this steroid has increased. It has no side effects and quickly improves physical parameters. Due to the effect on all power receptors, the steroid allows you to train for 8 hours, without resorting to rest. It is suitable for amateurs and beginners, as well as athletes during cutting or competition.
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Positive qualities.
– Fast burning of fatty deposits.
– Increase of power indicators and strength.
– Increase in speed indicators.
– Promotes elasticity and relief of muscles.
– Increases libido and erection throughout the cycle.
– Increases appetite.
– Increases mood and desire to increase training time.
– Promotes tissue regeneration after injuries.
– Restores strength between training sessions to the fullest extent.
– Complete lack of aromatization.
During the reception you need to monitor your health and if you find side effects to reduce the dosage. Many athletes use steroids in combination cycles with Testosterone or Methane. This allows you to build up a large amount of cut muscle mass. If you are new to this field, you can contact our specialists. They will prepare a complete cycle for you, including all the necessary preparations.
cycle and duration of use.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this steroid before using it. Beginners and athletes with little experience in taking anabolic steroids should start with 10 mg per day. If there are no adverse reactions in a week, the dose increases to 30 mg per day. The female body is more susceptible to the negative effects of steroids. For this reason, a dose of 5 to 20 mg per day should be adhered to. Experienced chemists can take from 30-60 mg per day. It is worth knowing that during the application of large doses, the cutting property of the steroid should be taken into account.
Side effects.
Negative reactions occur for various reasons. Allergic reactions and chronic diseases in humans should be excluded before the first use of the steroid. Otherwise, unpleasant symptoms may occur:
– Unstable blood pressure, migraine.
– Reduced libido and erection.
– Unstable psychosomatic state.
– cutting of ligaments and their further injury.
– Acne acne.
– Disorders of the digestive system.
– Insomnia.
Follow all recommendations and prescribed dosage rates and you will avoid side effects.

