Uhuru Raila mourn Nyeri Governor Nderitu Gachagua

Nyeri Governor Nderitu. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: President Uhuru Kenyatta has sent a message of condolence following the demise of Nyeri Governor Nderitu Gachagua.

In his message, president Kenyatta termed Gachagua as a noble public servant who executed his mandate diligently .

The president said that Gachagua initiated several projects in his county for the benefit of Nyeri residents.

“In terms of infrastructural development, he oversaw the construction of over 1,000 km of gravel in Nyeri, which saw many areas, previously inaccessible during the rainy season, opened up,” said Uhuru.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga termed Gachagua as a committed leader who served his people tirelessly till his death .

He prayed for peace and strength for his family.

“I knew him as a smart politician with the humility, strength and determination to serve his people,” he said.

Also Nyeri county legislators sent their messages of condolences to the Gachagua family.

Led by Nyeri Senator Mutahi Kagwe ,Tetu  MP Ndungu Githenji and Nyeri women rep Priscillah Nyokabi, they said that Gachagua was a formidable leader whose demise will leave a gap in Nyeri county.

“As leaders from Nyeri we condole with the governors family and the people of Nyeri who have lost an exceptional leader.”Kagwe said

“Being a live to the fact that it is an electioneering year we urge for calm in the county and respect our departed governor.”He added

Kagwe said that they will work hand in hand with national and county governments for preparation of his burial.

READ ALSO: Nyeri Governor Nderitu Gachagua dies n London

