Anti-LGBTQ protests held in Mombasa to oppose Supreme Court’s decision

Anti-LGBTQ protests in Mombasa led by religious and political leaders./COURTESY

Mombasa residents led by religious leaders on Friday held anti-LGBTQ (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) protests to oppose the decision to reaffirm LGBTQ right to associate.

The anti-LGBTQ movement led the protesters from Makadara grounds to the County Commissioner’s office to present a memorandum.

The protests came after the Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld the right of the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission to register.

Sheikh Abu Qatada has called for support from parliament in condemning the ruling saying that LGBTQ goes against holy scriptures.

“We want members of parliament to come out in large numbers and condemn such a ruling. We are giving them a month to file a petition in Parliament to oppose the act,” said Sheikh Abu Qatada.

Joining the protests, Nyali Member of Parliament Mohammed Ali said the decision by the Supreme Court was the beginning of the erosion of family and moral foundations in Kenya society and the weakening of the moral compass.

“As a Leader in this God-driven country, I stand by and for our religious beliefs, traditional values, family structure, and the natural order of mankind. Foreign governments that are pushing this agenda must understand that we are governed by our Constitution which criminalizes homosexuality! We do not meddle with their laws, and they should not meddle with ours,” said Nyali MP Mohammed Ali.

Ali condemned the Supreme Court’s ruling saying he will stand by the people of Kenya to protect the country’s values, traditions, religions, and laws.

“Sections 162(a) and (c), 163 and 165 of our Penal Code criminalizes homosexuality and so do our Faith Values which we must not move away from, for we risk disintegrating our core family structures and falling deep into irredeemable mistakes that will cost us and the generations to come,” said the Nyali legislature.

