Kenya Pipeline takes over Petroleum Refineries Limited

Energy CS David Chirchir and Mombasa Governor Sheriff Nassir photo:courtesy


Kenya Pipeline Company has taken over the Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited.

Energy and petroleum cabinet secretary Davis Chirchir said the acquisition of KPRL by KPC through transfer of shares aims to utilize KPRL assets and improve productivity.

“There is no reason doing why KPRL should not be working for us as a prime asset sitting on 370 acre of land that touches on the Indian Ocean waters, “said Chirchir.

The decision was reached after the cabinet last month approved the acquisition of the parastatal.

The CS assured employees working with KPRL that acquisition will not interfere with their employment.

However, they will work for KPC through a lease agreement.

His sentiments were echoed by Mombasa County Governor Abdulswamad Nassir who said the move will open up more employment opportunities for Mombasa residents.

“We will be talking to KPRL staffs to assure them that they are in safe hands of KPC.” said Chirchir.

 “There will be no one losing his job in this process in fact job opportunities are going to be more, “said Nassir.

The two leaders were addressing the press in Mombasa.

