Education PS asks for better pay for ECDE teachers

Education Principal Secretary Dr. Belio Kipsang./COURTESY

Education Principal Secretary Dr. Belio Kipsang has asked for better pay for Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) teachers.

Speaking before the Senate Committee on Education, Dr. Kipsang said ECDE teachers should be paid a living wage because of the crucial role they play in pre-primary education.

The PS noted that ECDE instructors have a significant role in forming and preparing children for their future education, hence it is essential to recognize their efforts even more.

He emphasized that as ECDE instructors are the first to contact and orientate every kid to the school life journey, their job cannot be equated to teachers at other education levels.

“As you undertake your oversight role, we are asking you to negotiate on behalf of the ECDE teachers of this country with the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) so that they can be paid what they deserve,” Belio said.

The PS said the ongoing conversation on pay cuts that affect the ECDE teachers is a concern that should be given special attention for this section of employees to get better pay. 

Children in an ECDE class./COURTESY

He told the Committee that the Country must invest in quality ECDE and protect the interest of teachers.

“According to research, providing quality ECDE reduces the cost of education by 15% for a Country,” cited the PS.

Kipsang said there was an urgent need for both levels of government to harmonize and develop one scheme of service for ECDE teachers across the 47 counties. 

“If this is done, we shall not have disparities in the salary scale for the ECDE teachers where others are on permanent terms of service while the rest are on contract basis,” he argued.

Belio further asked the Senate Committee on Education to ensure more teachers are employed and well-paid to boost their morale.

