Cheap maize flour still unavailable in Mombasa

A man selects Maize flour in a supermarket./COURTESY

Most residents in Mombasa and Coast region are yet to get the cheap sh.100 maize flour two weeks after government issued a directive.

A spot check by Baraka FM Reporters in Mombasa,Kilifi and Kwale showed that unga is still being sold between sh. 120-sh.250.

Listeners who called Baraka FM on-air and tagged sentiments on Facebook, claimed shopkeepers have been turning them away when they request to buy subsidized maize flour as directed by the government.

According to a resident in Rabai Constituency, Kilifi County, some shopkeepers refuse to sell unga to customers who question them on the prices.

Ukisema unataka unga ya mia, unaambiwa nenda kwa duka next( If you want cheap unga, go to the next shop’, he claimed.

However, a few residents admitted to buying maize flour at sh.100 after much hassle.

