Mombasa nurses give one-week strike ultimatum

Mombasa nurses during a previous strike. They have threatened to down their tools on Wednesday if the County fails to meet their demands./COURTESY

Mombasa nurses have threatened to go on strike if the county will not have met their demands by Wednesday next week.

At a press briefing in Mombasa, Kenya Union of Nurses Mombasa Branch Secretary Peter Maroko said the County is yet to pay their May salaries and has failed to remit the statutory deductions since the beginning of the year.

“County government has failed to address our issues, we are therefore giving them up to next Wednesday, if they do not act, we will take action. This time we will take a different action, not the usual strike,” he said.

He said the county government has failed to address issues raised in last year’s strike that lasted more than three months.

“Health workers are suffering, our NHIF has not been paid for five months and now we cannot access health services in any health facility including the Coast General Hospital,” said Maroko.

The KNUN Mombasa secretary said that promotions of health workers have also not been effected as per their agreement, blaming the County Department of Finance for ignoring their plea and Health department for frustrating health workers.

“If the county will not cooperate with us, this time we will not go on strike, we will close the doors of the Finance Department and those of the Governor’s office, so that they work from home until that time they will address our issues, we cannot bear this anymore,” he said.

Meanwhile, the county has been recording an increase of COVID-19 infections in health workers.

“So far, over 304 health workers have contracted the infectious disease and three others have died,” said Maroko.

