Kilifi County investigates “medics negligence” that led to death of new born

The Kilifi county refferal hospital. PHOTO COURTESY

Kilifi County Government has launched investigations over an incidence where a pregnant woman allegedly lost her baby over negligence by nurses.

The Woman claimed that nurses took long before taking her to the theater after she started complaining of delayed labour pains.

Speaking to Baraka FM on phone, Kilifi Health CEC Charles Dadu said the findings of the investigations are expected next week.

“As we speak, I have the complaints file with me. We must follow the rules in dealing with this issue. We expect a report on the issue by next week”, he told Baraka FM.

He warned that medics found culpable of negligence will be reprimanded.

“All agencies have been notified of that incident and are carrying out investigations. We want to know what happened. We don’t want to apportion blame as of now”, he added.

Dadu also decried the shortage of operating rooms in the County Hospital saying it has hampered service delivery.

